

In The Last Three Weeks, Nigerian Muslims Have Ruthlessly SLAUGHTERED 120 Christians. MSM Remains Sickeningly Silent!

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On Saturday it was reported that Fulani Muslims in Nigeria had massacred horrific numbers of Christians in just three weeks. And yet the only thing the media seems to care about is Muslims getting gunned down in mosques in New Zealand.

First, here’s the latest report on these Christian massacres in Nigeria via Breitbart:

The recent death toll of Christians in Nigeria has reached 120 with this week’s slaughter of more than 50 by Fulani Muslim militants in the Kaduna state of Nigeria, the Christian Post reported.

The Fulani jihadists, who have become a greater threat to Nigerian Christians than the Islamist terror group Boko Haram, stormed the villages of Inkirimi, Dogonnoma, and Ungwan Gora in the Kajuru Local Government Area last Monday, destroying 143 homes, killing 52 people, and wounding dozens more.

The assailants reportedly split into three groups, the first of which fired upon the people, the second set fire to buildings, and the third chased down people fleeing from the scene. Victims of the assault included women and children.

Monday’s incident followed an attack the day before in the Ungwan Barde village in Kajuru, where 17 Christians were killed and dozens of homes were burned.

In the first week of March, Muslim extremists massacred more than 30 Christians in Karamar village, setting fire to several houses and a church. The terrorists reportedly shot at families trying to escape the fire, killing 32.

The spate of recent attacks against communities has taken place within the predominantly Christian Adara chiefdom of southern Kaduna.

We’ve been reporting on these Fulani Muslim massacres for years. Last July Nigeria was said to be the deadliest place in the world, with 238 people slaughtered in one Christian village.

You’d think the recent spate of Christian killings would get at least some coverage in the media, but they haven’t, according to Breitbart:

The New York Times did not place this story on the front page; in fact, they did not cover it at all. Apparently, when assessing “all the news that’s fit to print,” the massacre of African Christians did not measure up. The same can be said for the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, the Detroit Free Press, the LA Times, and every other major paper in the United States.

The news shows from the three major television channels did not mention the story, and nor did CNN or MSNBC.

The massacre of Christians in Nigeria is certainly not new, as we’ve been covering them for almost a decade now. But even so, you’d think that 52 Christians being slaughtered last week would have moved the needle in the media.

The last time I remember Nigeria getting a lot of attention in the media was when Boko Haram kidnapped over 250 school girls in 2014. Remember Michelle Obama’s infamous #hastag activism?

The horrific Muslim killings in New Zealand most certainly deserved international attention. But Christians being slaughtered by Muslims in Nigeria deserve at least some attention as well, because what’s happening there has made Nigeria one of the worst places for Christians in the world.

Via TheRightScoop

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