

Since Democrats Can’t Decide If Anti-Semitism Is Wrong, James Woods Decides To Clear It Up For Them!

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On Thursday, actor James Woods took aim in his inimitably blunt way at the Democrat party for its refusal to condemn the anti-Semitic rhetoric of Rep. Ilhan Omar, ripping the Democrats for having “soulless, vile hearts.”

Woods linked to a Fox News article that delineated how many Democrats were upset that their party might actually create a resolution condemning anti-Semitism. Woods tweeted, “Oh my God, the #Democrats literally can’t agree to condemn bigotry. Six million Jews were killed by Hitler, they are targets of Muslim terrorists constantly, and @theDemocrats can’t find it in their soulless, vile hearts to condemn anti-Semitism.”

Some indications of how the anti-Semitism in the Democratic party has bubbled to the surface were given by Fox News: “Fox News was also told one senior House Democratic lawmaker expressed concern about the influence pro-Israel interest groups have over the Democratic caucus, prompting debate about a resolution to condemn anti-Semitism in the first place.”

Woods starred in the TV mini-series “Holocaust” in 1978; he played Karl Weiss, a Jewish artist. He has been highly critical of Omar and the Democrats’ embrace of anti-Semitism for weeks. On February 11, after Rep. Steve Scalise tweeted, “Good that some Dems have condemned the disgraceful anti-Semitic remarks of Rep. Omar—but their words are empty unless Dem leaders remove her from the Foreign Affairs Committee. No one with her anti-Semitic views should be allowed to represent US foreign policy on that committee,” Woods laid the Democrats bare, tweeting, “Naturally one expects such vile behavior from #Omar. Have you not figured out she is a mouthpiece for all the Democrats? They can pretend to be sanctimonious, but recent events have shone a light on Democrat racism and anti-Semitism as never before.”

After Omar issued an apology that was not really an apology. Woods commented, “The bullshit #BackPedal of the year…”

When Congressman Dan Crenshaw tweeted, “At some point Dems just need to accept that @IlhanMN has deeply held prejudices about the Jewish people. Stop explaining her comments away and ‘asking for dialogue.’ It’s clear an apology from her is hollow. And she has a platform on the Foreign Affairs Committee? Really?”, Woods commented, “They push narratives until people are simply too exhausted to fight back. That is how we went from 9/11 to this unabashed Muslim anti-Semite in less than two decades. @DanCrenshawTX.”

After former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke gleefully tweeted his enthusiasm for Omar, Woods stated simply, “Of course. They both hate Jews.”

Here’s what Woods understands that the Democrats simply refuse to acknowledge: After the massacre at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh last October, in which 11 Jews were brutally shot and murdered by an anti-Semite, Woods tweeted, “Throughout history attacks on Jews have signaled a seismic shift in the hate spectrum. #AntiSemitism has traditionally been the most vile of all bigotry, thrusting its tendrils into the darkest depths of the human experience, the hatred of a religion.”

Via DailyWire

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