

My Pillow CEO’s CPAC Speech Left The Audience In AWE – What He Said About Trump Was AMAZING

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The CEO of MyPillow and an outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump, Mike Lindell, said that Trump was chosen by God to become president.

In a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday, Lindell recounted the first time he met Trump.

“Donald Trump invited me to meet him at Trump Tower in New York City. I walked into his office with high hopes on Aug. 15, 2016. I walked out of that office after meeting with him and I knew that God had chosen him for such a time as this,” Lindell said.

Lindell wasn’t the only one. Many conservatives prayed for a president who would turn America around after the disastrous two terms of former President Barack Obama.

“God answered our prayers, our millions of prayers, and gave us grace, and a miracle happened on Nov. 8, 2016,” Lindell continued.

“We were given a second chance and time granted to get our country back on track with our conservative values and getting people saved in Jesus’ name.”

Lindell also said that Trump is the “greatest president in history” and reiterated that he “was chosen by God.”

Lindell’s comments caused liberals to go absolutely mad, as they do when there is any mention of God in politics.

One twitter user, Celia Vornholt, responded to Lindell’s comments by attacking his faith and making fun of his previous struggle with drug addiction.

Other Twitter liberals, thinking they found a perfect “gotcha,” pointed out that God must have chosen Obama to be president.

But that argument isn’t a “gotcha” at all. The Bible supports the idea that leaders are in their positions because God wills it — even Obama.

It’s perfectly reasonable to suggest God wanted Trump to be president.

Press secretary Sarah Sanders explained it perfectly in a CBN News interview last month.

“I think God calls all of us to fill different roles at different times and I think that He wanted Donald Trump to become president, and that is why he is there,” Sanders said.

Lindell should get some appreciation for boldly supporting Trump and Christians because there’s no doubt that the godless left will try to attack his business after his vocal support for Trump.

Via WesternJournal

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