
Cohen Makes a CRAZY Admission About His Allegations Against Trump – Did You See This Coming?

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President Donald Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen admitted Wednesday he is unable to corroborate allegations that the president discussed elements of WikiLeaks’ email hacks with Roger Stone.

From Daily Caller:

“How can we corroborate what you’re saying?” Democratic Rep. Deborah Wasserman Schultz of Florida asked Cohen, referring to the former Trump confidant’s allegations that the president was aware of Stone’s contact with WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange.

She is among a slew of Democrats and Republicans grilling Cohen during a congressional hearing.

“I don’t know, but I suspect the special counsel’s office and other government agencies have the information that you’re seeking,” Cohen said in reply.

He claims to have overheard Stone tell Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign that he had spoken to Assange about the release of emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee. 

Cohen, who will begin a three-year prison sentence in May, is also providing stories from his decades of working for Trump, which he claims shows the former real estate mogul to be “a racist … a conman … a cheat.”


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