

Entire County Defies Liberal State Law Aimed At Stripping Second Amendment Rights – Suggests New Kind Of Sanctuary City That Dems Will HATE!

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If the left thought they were clever pronouncing “Sanctuary Cities” for illegal aliens, they may have to rethink things. Now that concept of “Sanctuary” has been used in a way they will likely hate.

In the state of New Mexico, pending legislation — including House Bill 8 — would negatively impact gun rights. A number of citizens have expressed their dissatisfaction, but the state legislature has moved forward anyway.

Quay County, New Mexico residents decided enough was enough. They took matters into their own hands and now have created a “Second Amendment Sanctuary County” for those who support the Constitutionally-protected right to bear arms, according to a report by KRQE.

The county’s commission voted unanimously in favor of the of the resolution, which was in direct response to the state’s current attack on gun rights. The commission has received support for their action from more than citizens of the county.

The House Republicans have reportedly issued a statement of support for the move. They said they were “proud” of what the commission did.

In addition, The New Mexico Sheriff’s Association had previously called the slew of anti-gun laws “ill-conceived, unenforceable and (said that they) punish law abiding citizens.” Even that didn’t stop the legislature from working on passing them.

Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued a statement of support for the passage of House Bill 83KOB4 reported.

“I am proud to support Representatives Daymon Ely and Joy Garratt and the New Mexico State House in passing House Bill 83. We have a responsibility to do everything in our power to ensure the safety of New Mexicans, and this important, common sense gun violence prevention measure would undoubtedly save lives,” Grisham said.

“New Mexico leaders have a duty to take action, and I applaud the House for doing so,” Grisham added. But not everyone supported that legislation.

The New Mexico Sheriff’s Association had released a statement on that bill, as well. It said that “It violates due process and puts law enforcement in a more dangerous situation and does nothing to protect citizens.”

Although Quay County only has 10,000 citizens, the resolution could have far-reaching effects. For example, other counties might see the action and do likewise.

Case in point: Quay County is not the first to take such a step. As of July 2018, there were 26 such counties in Illinois, according to Belleville News-Democrat. At that time, 12 more had pending votes on the issue.

Although some are more “symbolic” than anything, in some instances officials “say they won’t enforce state and federal laws that they believe infringe on Second Amendment rights.” One example of this is Monroe County, Illinois.

As more attacks are launched against gun rights, more and more counties may jump on the left’s “Sanctuary” bandwagon and create sanctuaries for gun owners. This could logically lead to other sanctuaries being formed to fight against other attacks on protected rights and freedoms.

And we can all thank the left for that. Opening that can of worms may end up being a big problem for them.

Via WesternJournal

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