

The Mark Of A Terrible Bill – Hollywood Loving It

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Hollywood celebrities wasted no time to show their support for the radical socialist Green New Deal proposed by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez this week.

The Green New Deal proposed by Ocasio-Cortez calls for a radical restructuring of the United States economy. Among other things, it calls for every single building in America to be upgraded or replaced, getting rid of all combustion engines, and paying for Americans who are “unwilling to work.”

Breitbart News’ Joel Pollak writes:

The core of the Green New Deal is a proposal, within 10 years, to eliminate “pollution and greenhouse gas emissions” and to meet “100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources.”

Not even California, the most ambitious environmental state, proposes to achieve that until 2045 — and even California has no idea how to run the world’s 5th-largest economy on wind and sunshine alone.

Nevertheless, the millionaires of Hollywood are all in on this far-left plan. Check out all the reactions.

Via Breitbart

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