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BREAKING: Trump Ends The Shutdown Without Any Border Wall Funding…For Now

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President Donald Trump announced Friday that he will support a deal to temporarily reopen the government without any funding for the wall.

From Daily Caller:

The president said he would sign a measure reopening the government for three weeks through Feb. 15, something that would likely quickly pass through Congress.

“I am very proud to announce that we have reached a deal today to end the shutdown and reopen the federal government,” the president asserted, thanking federal employees for their patience and explaining that he would work to get them backpay.

“I am asking Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to put this proposal on the floor immediately,” Trump continued. “After 36 days of spirited debate and dialogue, I have seen and heard from enough Democrats and Republicans that they are willing to put partisanship aside, I think, and put the security of the American people first.”

The president indicated that after the government reopens, lawmakers would review a “homeland security package” put together by law enforcement officials.

Two sources close to the process told The Daily Caller that the White House’s appetite for a deal increased after announcements from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that flights were experiencing delays because of staffing issues related to the shutdown.

Friday also marks the second missed paycheck for the 800,000 federal workers affected by the shutdown, another point of pressure for the president. Democrats blocked multiple motions from Republicans this week to make sure federal employees get paid while the government is closed.


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