

Democratic Coalition Chair Drudges ‘Rumors’ From The Depths Of The Liberal Trash Heap In Hopes Of Smearing Sen. Lindsey Graham

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Jon Cooper, chairman of the Democratic Coalition, claimed on Sunday that an unnamed Republican thinks Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is “being blackmailed” by President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin over something related to a “serious sexual kink.” He also said Graham’s “sexual orientation” is “an open secret.”

The Democratic Coalition is a super PAC established in 2016 to defeat then-presidential candidate Trump. It describes itself as an organization “comprised of Democratic elected officials, party chairs, delegates, grassroots leaders and activists.”

Cooper tried to distance himself from the rumors, despite airing them in public without evidence, by claiming “as an openly gay man” he “couldn’t care less” about Graham’s “sex life.”

Intercept co-founding editor Glenn Greenwald blasted Cooper’s claims as “homophobic gutter trash.”

Cooper previously suggested “Republican traitors” were being blackmailed by Putin.

Cooper claimed to have knowledge that a third of Trump’s Twitter followers are “Russians posing as Americans.”

Cooper has published hundreds of tweets including the hashtag #TrumpRussia. Other oft-used hashtags of his include #TrumpRussiaConspiracy, #TraitorTrump, and #GOPTreason. He regularly casts Trump as involved in “conspiracy” with Putin and the Russian government.

Via Breitbart

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