

Donald Trump Tears Into Democrats On ‘Winter Break’ In Puerto Rico With Their Lobbyist Buddies

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After repeatedly tweeting over the last few days that he’s still waiting for the Democrats to come back to the negotiating table, President Trump took to Twitter Monday morning to point out that dozens of Democratic lawmakers enjoyed a “winter retreat” this weekend with lobbyists in Puerto Rico, which included partying with the stars of the Broadway hit “Hamilton.”

“I’ve been waiting all weekend. Democrats must get to work now. Border must be secured!” Trump wrote early Monday in a series of tweets. “Nancy and Cryin’ Chuck can end the Shutdown in 15 minutes. At this point it has become their, and the Democrats, fault!”

He then pointed out that some Democrats had flown south for the weekend. “Dems in Puerto Rico as Shutdown hits day 24,” he wrote.

As the longest government shutdown in history continues, about 30 Democratic lawmakers reportedly jumped on a chartered flight down to Puerto Rico for a winter retreat in San Juan with over one hundred lobbyists and corporate executives. Among the scheduled events for the weekend retreat was catching a showing of “Hamilton” and attending an afterparty with its cast, the Washington Examinernotes.

While the overarching purpose of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus BOLD PAC retreat was to talk about the Hurricane Maria cleanup efforts, event organizers made sure to add lots of perqs.

“We are excited for you to join us for CHC BOLD PAC’s 2019 Winter Retreat in San Juan, Puerto Rico! Each year, this retreat serves as a way for our CHC BOLD PAC Members and friends in the D.C. community to come together to escape the cold and discuss our shared priorities for a stronger and more prosperous country,” reads an excerpt of a CHC BOLD PAC memo published by the Washington Examiner.

“This year, BOLD PAC has chosen to host our winter retreat in Puerto Rico to send a strong message that there is still much work to be done in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria,” the memo continues. “We appreciate your interest in meeting with local elected officials, non-profits, and labor and business leaders to learn more and hear their critical perspectives about the ongoing recovery needs on the island.”

After stating the purpose and key sessions and receptions for the retreat, the memo announces the “Hamilton” show and afterparty: “On Sunday, Members who have elected to purchase a ticket will see a showing of Hamilton: The Musical at Centro De Bellas Artes Luis A. Ferre, followed by a reception with the Hamilton cast co-hosted by Latino Victory Fund.” Screenshot below:

Trump’s Puerto Rico retreat tweet follows a series of posts over the weekend in which he criticized Democrats for continuing to dig in on the issue of border security wall funding.

“Democrats are saying that DACA is not worth it and don’t want to include in talks. Many Hispanics will be coming over to the Republican side, watch!” he tweeted Sunday morning in a series of posts. “The building of the Wall on the Southern Border will bring down the crime rate throughout the entire Country! I’m in the White House, waiting.”

“The Democrats are everywhere but Washington as people await their pay. They are having fun and not even talking!” he added. “The damage done to our Country from a badly broken Border – Drugs, Crime and so much that is bad – is far greater than a Shutdown, which the Dems can easily fix as soon as they come back to Washington!”

“Thousands of illegal aliens who have committed sexual crimes against children are right now in Texas prisons. Most came through our Southern Border. We can end this easily – We need a Steel Barrier or Wall. Walls Work! John Jones, Texas Department of Public Safety,” he wrote.

The president also retweeted some wall-related posts by GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, including one referencing the Puerto Rico retreat.

“Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are not negotiating in good faith with @realDonaldTrump,” she wrote. “Instead, Congressional Democrats spent the weekend on the beach with lobbyists. It’s time for them to get back to Washington and work to secure our border and reopen the government.”

“Smugglers are flooding our communities with drugs,” McDaniel wrote in another post. “*300 Americans die each week from heroin, 90% of it comes from south of the border. *ICE seized 2,370 lbs of fentanyl in 2017, enough to kill every American. Democrats need to work with @realDonaldTrump to secure our border.”

Via DailyWire

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