

March For Life Is ECSTATIC – Celebrates HUGE New Scientific Support For ‘Humanity of Child in Earliest Stages in Womb’

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The president of the March for Life says next week’s annual event featuring thousands of pro-life activists is celebrating that babies are “unique” from the first moment of conception — as science and technology have revealed.

“As we know, advancements in science and technology really support revealing the humanity of the child in the earliest stages in the womb,” Jeanne Mancini told Breitbart News in a phone interview.

She explained the reason why the theme of this year’s March for Life — the world’s largest pro-life event — is “Unique from Day One: Pro-Life is Pro-Science.”

“Years ago, the other side claimed developing babies were ‘lifeless blobs of tissue,’” Mancini said. “They don’t even try that anymore. Ultrasound advances allow us to hear and see heartbeats now at six weeks, and a blood test can tell a baby’s sex by seven weeks now.”

“There have also been so many advances in prenatal surgery — just remarkable advances,” she added.

The 46th annual March for Life is taking place on Friday, January 18, in Washington, DC. Each year, the March is held on or about the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade, in which the high court invented a right to abortion, though none ever existed in the Constitution:

Confirmed lawmakers speaking at the March for Life rally are Republican Sen. Steve Daines of Montana; Democrat Rep. Dan Lipinski of Illinois; Republican Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey; and Louisiana state Rep. Katrina Jackson, a Democrat.

Also speaking at the March for Life rally are Ben Shapiro, editor-in-chief of the Daily Wire; Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood director and founder of And Then There Were None; Dr. Alveda King, pastoral associate and director of Civil Rights for the Unborn; former abortionist Dr. Kathi Aultman; Ally Cavazos, president of Princeton Pro-Life; Archbishop Joseph Naumann, chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Pro-Life Activities; and Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus Carl Anderson.

Via Breitbart

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