

Democrats Are Hopelessly AGAINST Americans – They Vote To LEAVE TOWN With Less Than 4 Hours On The Job!

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Don’t blame President Trump for the ongoing government shutdown. Look to the Democrats, who unanimously voted to leave town just four hours into the first day of the 2019 Congress.

House minority leader Kevin McCarthy tweeted: “SWAMP STRIKES AGAIN → Every single House Democrat just voted to leave town after less than 4 hours on the job. Congress should stay in session until the Schumer Shutdown is over.”

Republican Congressman Steve Scalise dared the media to report on the continued Democrat obstructionism. (So far, nada).

“Let’s see if the media will report this: On their first day in control of the House, Democrats voted to LEAVE TOWN instead of staying in DC to work to open the government and build the wall,” Scalise said. “Once again, they’re choosing open borders over an open government.”

Scalise recounted: “House Democrats’ Day 1 record:

  1. Block vote to stay and work in DC until they open the government and fund our border security.
  2. Pass a sham bill to reopen the government that doesn’t include a dime more in funding for the wall.
  3. Change the rules to allow YOUR taxes to be raised to pay for their big government programs and liberal agenda.
  4. Sneak a provision into their funding bill that allows taxpayer dollars to fund abortions in foreign countries.”

As BizPac Review reported, the Democrats vowed not to give President Trump the $5 billion he asked to fund the border wall.

President Trump called out Barack Obama’s hypocrisy for having a wall around his posh Washington, D.C. home while insisting that America forgo having a wall to protect its borders.

“President and Mrs. Obama built/has a 10-foot Wall around their D.C. mansion/compound,” Trump tweeted. “I agree, totally necessary for their safety and security. The US needs slightly larger version!”

Nancy Pelosi — the new Speaker of the Democrat-led House of Representatives — also has protective barriers around her sprawling San Francisco mansion.

In fact, Pelosi’s home is elevated high off the sidewalk. Why? Because that makes it harder for thieves to break in.

Democrats claim Trump’s wall is too expensive, but don’t care that US taxpayers pay $115 billion every single year for costs related to illegal immigration.

Reminder to Dems: We have a crisis on the border. It won’t go away simply because you choose to ignore it.


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