

Facebook Is Now CENSORING Accounts Because They Label Alleged Cop Killer As An ‘Illegal Immigrant’

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More news is spreading about potential censorship going on with a tech company. This time it is Facebook that is being accused.

Multiple social media users have reported on more than one account being suspended  or censored on Facebook due to posts related to the tragic shooting death of legal immigrant and Newman, California, police Cpl. Ronil Singh, allegedly at the hands of illegal immigrant Gustavo Perez Arriaga.

Some Facebook users have reported that their posts caused their accounts to be suspended for not complying with community standards. Some have questioned what specifically about their posts was problematic.

An example was given on the Blue Lives Matter website. The author, Christopher Berg, explained how an unnamed “sheriff’s deputy whom I personally know” posted an image about the Singh killing and as a result his account was suspended for 30 days due to “hate speech.”

The image, with accompanying text, is replicated in the tweet below. It features both the victim and the alleged shooter.

Where was the “hate speech?” The term “illegal immigrant” — which is entirely accurate?which is the legal term?

On Twitter, another user claimed to have also been suspended for posting about the shooting. She shared the text that was with her post, too.

One of the most frequently cited instances of censorship revolving around the Singh story involves a post from a Facebook user named Dana Marie. She shared news about her post being barred from view on Facebook.

Readers be advised. Some strong language is used in her commentary below the post image.

She was not the only one who did not understand how her post violated community standards. On Twitter, the question was also asked.

Facebook is arguably a left-leaning platform and this shooting story does not fit the left’s narrative regarding illegal immigration or support their fight against funding the border wall.

To some, this points to the posts being banned from view and accounts being suspended for purely political reasons. Facebook is among a number of platforms continually being accused of being biased against conservative view points.

Congress has already called in social media platform heads for questioning regarding this problem. Some in the public have been urging Congress to take legislative action against the tech giants to help prevent this kind of thing from continuing.

Meanwhile, an illegal alien is accused of killing a police corporal in California. And all the Facebook censorship in the world isn’t going to bring the dead man back.

Via WesternJournal

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