

VIRAL: Left-Wing Store Employee GOES POSTAL Over Customer Wearing Pro-Trump Shirt

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A video of a vape shop clerk in Georgia refusing to serve a customer wearing a Trump shirt is going viral.

The video was posted on Facebook by Ian Furgeson, who was trying to make a purchase for his wife at the XHale City vape shop in Tucker, Georgia. But the clerk completely lost his mind when he saw that Furgeson was wearing a Trump campaign hat and shirt.

The video shows the clerk screaming like a little girl as he refuses to serve the Trump-supporting customer.

As Daily Caller reported:

“Leave the store!” the clerk is seen shouting repeatedly. “Fuck off! Get the fuck out of here!” At one point, the clerk even appears to take a swing at Furgeson.

Later in the video, the clerk begins to ring the customer up but is set off again when Furgeson said, “God bless America, capitalism wins again.”

“Fuck capitalism,” the clerk screamed. “Fuck your fucking president! He’s a racist, stupid piece of shit! You’re a racist, stupid piece of shit! Fuck off!”

Breitbart News reported that the vape shop clerk was fired for his behavior.

The vape shop owners also put put a statement apologizing for the clerk’s asinine behavior:

“To our friends and customers. Tonight, we had an employee act improperly toward a customer. Xhale City does not tolerate this kind of behavior from its employees. When we identified the employee at fault, we fired him immediately. We’ve also spoken to the customer and apologized. We value our clients and treat them with respect and dignity, regardless of their political views.”

We are engaged in a civil war, America. It is leftists against everyone else. They are now even refusing to serve people in stores. This is how much hate they have for America.

Via GodFatherPolitics

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