

Liberal Identity Politics Invade Major Toy Line – Barbie Receiving ‘Gay Overhaul’

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The toymaker Mattel invited a gay couple from Arizona to help with a new gay marriage Barbie set after the couple created a set to teach their niece about gay marriage.

Matt Jacobi and Nick Caprio decided to make the gay Barbie set as a birthday present for their 8-year-old niece, Natalie, according to KPNX-TV in Phoenix.

“We bought another Ken, who was in a tux, and took out Barbie and added another Ken in, tied it together and gave Natalie the gift, and her reaction was priceless,” Jacobi said.

The couple seemed most interested in making the little girl’s present about themselves.

“We just want every family to be reflected within the toys,” Caprio said. “They’re a big part of our culture, and it’s something that if kids are always exposed to this and they can see their own family, it gets rid of the question of what is this and this explanation and long story you have to go through.”

In other words, the gay toy set is meant to be used as an educational tool to normalize homosexuality among young children.

Most young kids won’t ask for a gay toy set as a present because it’s the last thing on their mind.

However, liberals are hell-bent on selfishly pushing their agenda onto unsuspecting children.

In an attempt to get more attention for the gay doll set, Jacobi posted a photo of it on Instagram and tagged Mattel, Barbie and ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

“I hope our custom gift inspires you to make a #GayWedding set,” he wrote.

Apparently, Mattel was impressed with the makeshift Barbie set: The company invited the couple to come to Los Angeles to help with an official gay marriage set.

“For them to reach out and take to social media shows the power of your voice on social media,” Caprio said. “It was great to be able to contact them and we’re really excited to see where this goes and work with them.”

In reality, it’s doubtful that many girls would want a “Barbie set” without Barbie in it.

This was never about creating a doll set that young girls would enjoy or even want. It’s about pushing an agenda onto children.

Via WesternJournal

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