

Michelle Obama Stirs The Pot, Pushes Divisive Feminist Agenda On Young Women In Marriages

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Promoting her memoir “Becoming” to a packed house at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY, former First Lady Michelle Obama dismissed common feminist advice coined by Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg as “s***” that usually “doesn’t work.”

“Marriage still ain’t equal, y’all,” Mrs. Obama told some 19,000 audience members on Saturday. “It ain’t equal. I tell women that, it’s not equal. That whole you-can-have-it-all: Nope. Not at the same time. That’s a lie. And it’s not always enough to ‘lean in’, because that s*** doesn’t work all the time.”

The crowd roared with applause and laughter.

Sandberg’s popular feminist book “Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead” essentially laid out the case for women “having it all” in the workplace and in their personal lives. Sandberg’s‘s stated mission “is to empower women to achieve their ambitions.”

The message, though, has basically been deemed not-feminist-enough from critics. Feminists have slammed Sandberg for allegedly downplaying sexism in the workplace and elsewhere and unfairly blaming women for their shortcomings. Mrs. Obama, too, is clearly not a fan of the message.

“I forgot where I was for a moment,” said Obama, giving off a laugh after letting out the mild curse word. “I thought we were at home, y’all,” she said, according to Fox News. “I was gettin’ real comfortable up in here. Alright, I’m back now. Sometimes that stuff doesn’t work.”

Before her comments seemingly blasting Sandberg, Obama talked about the struggles of marriage and admonished young people for rushing into the commitment.

“People are like, ‘Why is she talking about marriage counseling [in the book]?'” she said. “And I’m like, duh, marriage is hard, it is hard.”

“A marriage is hard work, and I share that because, I see too many young people who frivolously enter into marriage … they think the love and the courtship part has something to do with what marriage is, and it doesn’t — it’s a little bitty part of it,” Obama continued. Marriage is “two independent individuals trying to come together to build a life, forever.”

“As much as we wanted children … kids are an interrupter,” Mrs. Obama added. “They mess it all up. Barack and I say, that’s why they make ’em cute.”

Mrs. Obama’s memoir touches on the alleged sexism twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton faced from then-candidate Trump, whom she labeled a “misogynist.” Trump “stalked” Clinton on the debate stage in an attempt “to diminish her presence,” claimed Obama. She also expressed disbelief over women voting for Trump over Clinton.

“Becoming” takes aim at Trump for his so-called “birther” claims against her husband, former President Barack Obama, which the former First Lady says were “deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks.”

“Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And for this, I’d never forgive him,” writes Mrs. Obama in the book.

Obama’s “Becoming” is flying off the shelves. As noted by Fox News, the memoir’s sales in the U.S. and Canada have exceeded 2 million copies in just the first 15 days from its release on November 15.


Via DailyWire

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