
Shopping on Amazon For Presents For Dad? They Recommend Hardcore Porn! Whoops!

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Amazon UK recommended a pornographic DVD titled “Dad is F*cking My Girlfriend” in users’ searches for “Dad gifts,” before removing the product, according to a report.

From Breitbart:

“The DVD – which was sold by a third-party seller called Meerkat Wholesalers – popped up on screen when you typed ‘dad gifts’ into the search bar,” reported the Sun on Monday, adding that the recommendation shocked customers who were looking for gifts online.

The DVD, rated suitable for those aged 18 and over, featured the descriptions, “Sorry BFF, your Dad is HOT!” and “Older guys are the best!”

One British man, who stumbled upon the recommendation, expressed fear that his children could have also found the product while browsing on Amazon.

“In amongst the usual stuff like BBQ utensils, car manuals, gardening gift sets and funny T-shirts which say ‘Grumpy old git’, or ‘No 1 dad’ novelty mugs was this sex film… I only typed in ‘Dad Gifts’ into the search menu. I wasn’t expecting something so explicit to turn up,” the man proclaimed. “My two kids go on Amazon a lot to look for toys and ideas for presents to write on their letter to Father Christmas. I hate to think what would have happened if they’d found this DVD themselves.”

“Amazon should be far more responsible with its listings,” he continued. “Anything pornographic needs to be removed immediately.”

In response to complaints, Amazon declared in a statement, “All sellers must follow our selling guidelines and those who don’t will be subject to action including potential removal of their account. The product in question is no longer available.”

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