

Poland Makes Macron Eat His ‘Nationalist’ Rant – Proves Just How Right Trump’s MAGA Is!

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Even as French President Emmanuel Macron slammed President Donald Trump’s “nationalism” remarks, the nation of Poland launched a patriotic celebration.

“Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism,” Macron said at a ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, taking direct aim at Trump’s “America First” view.

But in Poland, as hundreds of thousands of patriots took to the streets, a clear love of country was in full display.

More than 200,000 people joined a parade in the Polish capital of Warsaw to celebrate 100 years of Polish independence.

“Long live Poland. Long live a free, sovereign republic,” President Andrzej Duda said as the event began.

The ever-widening divisions in Europe could be seen as Poland’s leaders marched with citizens while at a World War I commemoration ceremony in Paris, Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel made a show of unity. Critics, like Macron, have blamed nationalism for the divisions in the European Union and claimed far-right extremists have been given a platform.

But the healthy pride in their nation has boosted Poland’s patriotism and the effects can be seen throughout the nation that reclaimed its independence in 1918.

President Trump tweeted a congratulatory message to Poland, which has embraced his protectionist views.

But the left has had trouble grasping the patriotism and true meaning of nationalism, labeling the parades and celebrations as extremist, fascist and violent. California Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff warned that “liberal democracy” is under attack.

Many voices on social media silenced the critics, proving in words and videos that the people of Poland have a lot to celebrate.


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