

Antifa Thugs Terrorize Locals, DEFACE Small Business With American Flag Mural

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Apparently, you can only attack Tucker Carlson’s house so many times before that gets old and/or the police get involved. So, what’s a good antifa to do?

Well, attack something with an American flag on it, of course. After all, the American flag is a political symbol — right?

That’s apparently what happened at a pizzeria in New Paltz, New York, where an American flag mural was vandalized early in the morning on Election Day.

It wasn’t the first time the flag had been targeted, though.

Maria Lisanti, owner of La Bella Pizza Bistro in the Hudson Valley town, said she had initially faced some opposition to the American flag mural when it was proposed because critics said that the flag represented “a symbol of hate and oppression,” according to Fox News.

In late October, Fox reported, “(Lisanti’s) friend Joey Garcia, a New York state corrections officer and Army National Guard veteran, organized an ‘American flag appreciation walk’ to rally the community together and show their support for the flag, military, law enforcement, and the country.”

However, while most of the people at the flag appreciation walk were there to do just that — appreciate the flag — a group of protesters identified as antifa by Breitbart gathered with signs reading, “Yes, I’m anti-AmeriKKKan” and “Stop Pretending your Racism is Patriotism.” Another sign, according to  IJR, asked, regarding the flag, “What is there to be proud of?”

Charming. Here’s some of the video of the protest, which we must warn you contains some vulgarity. Viewer discretion is advised.

“They didn’t want a flag. They thought that it meant a political position and they were opposed,” Lisanti told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Friday.

Then came the Election Day vandalism, when balloons filled with paint were lobbed at the mural, apparently because, well, oppression ‘n stuff.

Garcia told Ingraham he was called names by the protesters during the October event.

“I tried to explain, ‘Hey, you guys have the right to be out here, so do we. Let’s keep it peaceful.’ They really didn’t want to hear any of that,” he said.

If there’s a plus side to all of this, it’s the fact that a GoFundMe page for the mural established in late September has raised over $12,000, exceeding an initial goal of $8,000.

The page has a note from Lisanti at its top:

“Due to the overwhelming support and patriotism of our community and country we have decided to increase our target goal to help enhance our vision and maintain its glory for years to come. The increase in donations will help fund paint, materials, future maintenance and display lighting to increase visibility,” Lisanti wrote.

So, yes, antifa can still do wretched things. However, the majority of people in this country are good, patriotic Americans — and they’re more than willing to help other patriots in need.

Via WesternJournal

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