

OUCH: Larry King Agrees His Former Network, CNN, Is Now FAKE NEWS

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Former talk news powerhouse Larry King took a swing at his former network, CNN.

King, who used to host a popular CNN show “Larry King Live,” says the network focuses too much time on President Trump’s “every move.”

According to Washington Times, King went on to say,“CNN stopped doing news a long time ago,” Mr. King told Fox News contributor and former CNN anchor Rick Sanchez on RT America Wednesday night.

Back in September, Town Hall reported that King said CNN has become “sorta liberal.”

There is no news anymore. CNN has the panels that are 15-people deep. And the breaking news alerts are getting way overused. You can debate what you will about how we came to this juncture in cable news. Frankly, this wasn’t entirely a byproduct of Trump. We were heading down this road years prior to the 2016 election, but Trump’s upset win on Hillary Clinton injected steroids into the process.

King also points out that CNN carried Trump even more than Fox News and have “built this whole thing up.”


Ex-CNN talk show host Larry King mocked his former network in an interview with RT America on Tuesday, saying his past employer “stopped doing news a long time ago” to focus primarily on covering President Donald Trump.

HOST RICK SANCHEZ: You know it’s interesting. As I listen to you I’m thinking that both you and I are old enough to remember that there was a lot of antagonism during the 1960s. There was a lot of antagonism during Watergate. There was certainly antagonism during the Clinton years. But there is something, maybe it’s an undercurrent, that is different now. Can you put your finger on it? What is it?

KING: Two things, Rick — the internet and cable news. Could you imagine cable news in Watergate? And they don’t do news anymore. In fact, RT is one of the few channels doing news. RT does news. CNN stopped doing news a long time ago. They do Trump. Fox is Trump TV and MSNBC is anti-Trump all the time. You don’t see a story — there was vicious winds and storms in the Northeast the other day – not covered on any of the three cable networks, not covered. Not covered! So when CNN started covering Trump — they were the first — they covered every speech he made and then they made Trump the story. So, Trump is the story in America. I would bet that ninety-eight percent of all Americans mention his name at least once a day. And when it’s come to that, when you focus on one man, I know Donald 40 years — I know the good side of Donald and I know the bad side of Donald — I think he would like to be a dictator. I think he would love to be able to just run things. So, he causes a lot of this. Then his fight with the media and fake news. I’ve been in the media a long time, like you — longer than you, Rick. And at all my years at CNN, in my years at Mutual Radio, I have never seen a conversation where a producer said to a host “pitch the story this way. Angle it that way. Don’t tell the truth.” Never saw it. Never saw it.

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