

WARNING: This Video Will ENRAGE Every Constitution Loving American

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The conservative group Project Veritas has released a shocking video that shows a poll worker admitting that “tons” of illegal immigrants voted in this year’s midterm elections.

In a video released on Tuesday, an undercover operative for Project Veritas asked poll workers in Travis County, Texas, if her boyfriend could vote even if he’s a recipient of DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that allows illegal immigrants to stay in the United States if they were brought to the country as children.

“He’s saying something about how some people are questioning whether it’s legal since he’s not a citizen, but he was able to register,” the operative asked a poll worker identified in the video as Deborah Brooks-Wims.

“If he has his ID that’s all he needs if he’s registered,” the poll worker responded.

“It doesn’t matter that he’s not a citizen?” the journalist asked.


By law, only U.S. citizens can vote, and Texas law prohibits poll workers from permitting ineligible persons to vote.

The journalist asked another poll worker who was more explicit about allowing illegal immigrants to vote.

“He is in the system, but he knows that like, I don’t know if there’s like an issue with DACA people voting,” the journalist asked the poll worker, identified in the video as Pam Nash.

“No, you can tell him no, we got a lot of them,” the poll said while shaking her head.

“From early voter? We got tons of them.”

While it’s not the duty of poll workers to ask all voters if they’re an American citizen, it’s shocking that a poll worker would openly admit that she has knowingly allowed illegal immigrants to vote.

This problem will only grow as more illegal immigrants are allowed into the United States.

The video caught the attention of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott who promised to investigate the situation.

“I can’t verify if this is accurate. I CAN verify that it will be investigated and if it IS accurate, illegal votes will be tossed out and wrongdoers will be prosecuted,” Abbott wrote on Twitter.

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe responded by offering proof to the Attorney General’s Office.

If there are already “tons” of illegal immigrants voting in a midterm election, imagine what will happen in 2020, when the presidency is at stake again.

Via WesternJournal

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