

Senator Graham Confident For Tomorrow – ‘I’ve Never Seen Republicans More United Than I Do Now’

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On Monday, appearing on Fox & Friends, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) sounded quite confident about the GOP’s chances on Tuesday, asserting that the GOP would “kick butt in the Senate” and that “I’ve never seen Republicans more united than I do now.” Graham also blasted the Democratic Party, saying they “will do anything to win.”

Host Brian Kilmeade, noting that Graham had become one of the GOP’s leaders in promulgating the message the party needed for victory, said, “What is your message going forward?”

Graham answered:

To remind people what happened to Brett Kavanaugh, that the Democrats will do anything to win. They do not accept the fact that President Trump won; talk about the caravan and a growing economy, get our vote out. I’ve never seen Republicans more united than I do now. I think we’re going to kick butt in the Senate and the House is too close to call. The last 30 days has been a nightmare for Trump-state Democrats, between Kavanaugh, the caravan, and a growing economy.

Host Steve Doocy remarked to Graham that Graham’s new policy of campaigning against Democratic senators was triggered by Graham being “hacked off” by the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.

Graham agreed: “Yeah. I just said enough is enough. I voted for both of their nominees, Sotomayor and Kagan. And all of these Trump-state Democrats voted against Kavanaugh, they voted against the tax cuts, and it’s pretty clear to me they’re not going to return the way I do business, so it’s now time to clean house and put people in the Senate that can help President Trump change America, put conservative judges on the Court; cut your taxes and win a war we can’t afford to lose. Yeah, they brought out a different side of Lindsey Graham and I hope all these candidates that voted against Kavanaugh, hope they lose.”

Host Ainsley Earhardt asked, “Why did you choose to campaign in Montana and South Dakota? Why those two?”

Graham quipped, “Because that’s where the Vice President’s going and I don’t have my own plane.” After a brief discussion of the races in those states, Graham added, “Just to remind people how badly they treated Brett Kavanaugh, what they will do for power’s sake, there are no boundaries when it comes to them.”

Later Graham continued by saying of the Democrats, “What you did, is you basically took the rule of law, turned it upside down, you tried to destroy a good man in Brett Kavanaugh, you want power too much, and I’m fighting back. I didn’t do this to your nominees; now’s the time to change the makeup of the Senate. Chuck Schumer’s got control over all these people in these Trump states; they’re trying to undercut the election; Trump won all of these states … I think we’re going to have a hell of a night in the Senate and I think the House is going to surprise a lot of people.”

Video below:

Via DailyWire

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