

Tear Jerker: Officer Pulls Over And Does Something INCREDIBLE After Seeing Lonely Child

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Young boys and football go together like burgers and fries. On any given weekend, you can usually spot somebody’s son outside, throwing semi-perfect spirals with a couple of friends.

It’s especially heartwarming to see a dad on the lawn as well. There’s just something all-American about watching adults and kids sharing a mutual love of the same sport.

Of course, these days grown-ups are pretty busy with an ever-growing list of responsibilities. Technology was supposed to make things easier — but often, it seems to extend that “to-do” list in unexpected ways.

And sometimes, a standard day at the office simply runs long. Moms and dads finally pull into the family driveway, long after those dinner dishes have been dried and put away.

So it’s not at all uncommon to see today’s kids enjoying activities on their own. A few play endless video games, while others simply text on their smartphones.

But plenty of adolescents still head outside to brush up on their athletic skills. Maybe that involves kicking around a soccer ball, or taking a few turns at bat.

And certainly, football remains insanely popular. Recently, in fact, one Summerville, South Carolina, youth was pleasantly surprised as he threw around the pigskin in his own back yard.

The boy was simply tossing the football to himself, minding his own business. A mounted surveillance camera captured what happened next.

In a nutshell, a patrol car pulled up. This sort of thing might signal some serious cause for alarm, depending upon the situation.

Behind the wheel sat Officer T. Bilancione. He’s with the Summerville Police Department.

The barefoot boy immediately stopped what he was doing, and cautiously shuffled toward the vehicle. Bilancione got out — then asked if he could join the youth in a friendly game of catch.

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