

Hillary Is So Out Of It, She Doesn’t Even Know That She’s Ruining The Dems Race in Florida

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CNN’s Randi Kaye interviewed a group of Democrats from Florida on Tuesday night about Hillary Clinton’s recent involvement in the state’s gubernatorial race, and most of them aren’t pleased.

From Daily Caller:

Democratic Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum is running against former Rep. Ron DeSantis. On Tuesday, Clinton held two fundraisers for Gillum despite no plans for them to appear together publicly.

“A show of hands, how many of you think overall Hillary Clinton is more of a liability than an asset to the Gillum campaign?” Kaye asked. Six of the seven people raised their hands.

“Hillary Clinton is a rallying point for the right. They use that messaging against Hillary Clinton to drive out their votes. I think you could end up seeing a huge boost in their numbers because you have Hillary Clinton now on the other side being associated with Gillum so closely,” Rob Long stated.

“Her post-presidential sort of demeanor or platform has been very sort of self-indulgent and very much about re-litigating what happened in 2016,” he continued. “In our generation, my generation doesn’t really respond to this re-litigation of 2016. And I [don’t] want to call it whining, but at this point, it’s kind of what it feels like.” 

When Kaye asked if anyone thought Clinton could be helpful to Gillum, Stephanie Ruebins said, “I do. I think she can be financially helpful because she has a history of fabulous fundraising, and I think that’s where she should stay.”


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