
MASSIVE Crowd Erupts With Laughter After Trump Jokingly Rescinds Warren’s ‘Pocahontas’ Nickname

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President Donald Trump jokingly rescinded his nickname of “Pocahontas” for Senator Elizabeth Warren after she revealed the results of a DNA test showing extremely limited Native American heritage, at a campaign rally in Houston, Texas Monday evening.

“A sad thing happened last week, because Elizabeth Warren was exposed as being a total fraud. I can no longer call her Pocahontas … because she has no Indian blood,” Trump declared, adding “I can’t call her Pocahontas … she doesn’t qualify.” The president did say that he would continue to use the moniker to attack her on the campaign trail.

Warren has long claimed to have Native American ancestry based upon familial lore even going so far as to submit recipes to a cookbook dedicated to Native American cuisine. Harvard Law School featured her as a “minority” professor during the 1990’s based on her self-listing in a directory as a Native American. Trump has consistently highlighted Warren’s claims and dubbed her “Pocahontas.”

Trump has poked fun at Warren since the release of her DNA test results early last week. Warren’s results show that she possibly ranges from 1/64th Native American to 1/1024th Native American. Warren was harshly criticized by the Cherokee Nation for the release of her results saying “Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage,” adding “it makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven.”

Via DailyCaller

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