

Are You Kidding Me?! Dem. Senator Hirono Doesn’t Even Know The Definition Of ‘Corroborating Evidence’

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Why are Democrat politicians so ignorant?

Is it that they’re really confused or dumb, or are they just play-acting and pushing their political ideology?

It’s hard to tell — maybe a little of both.

It would appear that Hawaii Senator Mazie Hirono is suffering from “something,” as she cannot seem to understand what the term “corroborating evidence” means.

Daily Wire

Democratic Hawaii Senator Mazie Hirono claimed on Sunday that there was no corroborating evidence to back up Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s claim that he never assaulted Christine Blasey Ford and that there was corroborating evidence supporting Ford’s story.

Appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union” with host Dana Bash, Hirono said that anyone who watched Ford’s testimony “would conclude that she was being very truthful” and that Ford “recollects with 100 percent accuracy is that Judge Kavanaugh, Brett Kavanaugh, assaulted her.”

“There was no corroboration on Brett Kavanaugh’s bald assertion that he didn’t do it, because the people that the FBI interviewed, which was a — just a small number of the dozens that they should have interviewed, they all said that they have no recollection,” Hirono continued. “But, on her side, there was corroboration, because she had talked about this assault to her husband, to others before Brett Kavanaugh was ever nominated to the Supreme Court. She took a lie-detector test. Corroboration was there.”

Hirono’s assertion that there was corroborating evidence that supported Ford’s story is false, as prosecutor Rachel Mitchell specifically noted in her 5-page memo on Ford’s testimony. All the witnesses Ford claims exist have “either refuted her allegations or failed to corroborate them.”

Hirono later suggested that the presumption of innocence should not apply to Kavanaugh because “this is not a court of law” and said that the FBI’s investigation was a “sham.”

“I want to ask you about the atmosphere. The president and Republicans, what they are saying is that Democratic protesters are — quote — ‘an angry mob,’” Bash said as Hirono laughed. And what I want to ask you about is, you know, it is one thing to protest at the Supreme Court, to do it at the Capitol. That’s been done for generations and, frankly, since the founding of this country.”

“It’s another thing to run senators out of restaurants, go to their homes,” Bash continued. “Is that going too far?”

Hirono refused to condemn the harassment of Republican politicians, saying that far-left activists are “very much motivated” before complaining that “what happened with Judge Kavanaugh is, from the very beginning, this was not a fair process.”

Bash again tried to get Hirono to answer the question, “Should the going after people at restaurants stop?”

“Well, this is what happens,” Hirono responded. “They — because when you look at white supremacists and all of that, this is what is coming forth in our country. There’s a tremendous divisiveness in our country. But this is the kind of activism that occurs.”


Via TruthFeed

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