

BREAKING: Criminal Democrat Staffer Who Doxxed GOP Senators Facing 50 Years Behind Bars

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The Democrat staffer who leaked out the private information of top GOP senators is in very, very serious trouble.

Suspect, Jackson Cosko, was a staffer for Democrat Senator Hassan, who you’ll recall also employed the unhinged woman who yelled “f*ck you” at President Trump as he walked through Congress, is facing 50 years in prison for what he did.

We hope they throw the book at him.


In an apparent attempt to intimidate Republican senators into opposing Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, a former Democratic Senate intern allegedly went back to Sen. Maggie Hassan’s (D-N.H.) office and collected personal information to distribute on senators’ Wikipedia pages.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on Thursday that the suspect —27-year-old Jackson A. Cosko — is facing five federal charges, including identity theft and making threats in interstate commerce.

According to Roll Call, an affidavit from U.S. Capitol Police accused Cosko of using a computer from Hassan’s office to gather personal information like home addresses and telephone numbers for three U.S. senators.

He could get close to 50 years in prison if he received the statutory maximum sentences for his alleged crimes. His other charges included making public restricted personal information, unauthorized access of a government computer, and witness tampering.

The affidavit specifically cited a witness who saw Cosko on Oct. 2 in Hassan’s office.

He reportedly worked for a number of Democratic politicians beyond Hassan, including Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).

Authorities detained him at the D.C. Department of Corrections’ Central Detention Facility.

Via TruthFeed

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