

Dems Are Scratching Their Heads After Feinstein’s Bizarre Tweet In Reaction To FBI Clearing Kavanaugh

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Sen. Dianne Feinstein took to Twitter following the Senate’s cloture vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination.

But what she tweeted was not what was expected. In fact, it seemed to many that the California Democrat bent on destroying Kavanaugh’s professional career and personal life was not-so-subtly changing the subject.

The cloture vote on the Supreme Court nominee Friday advanced Kavanaugh to a final vote by Saturday afternoon. And while most lawmakers voted along party lines, with a final tally of 51-49, Republican Sen Lisa Murkowski voted ‘no’ and Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin joined the GOP Senators in voting ‘yes.’

Feinstein, who revealed the letter by Christine Blasey Ford accusing Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her at a party when the two were in high school, was on the Senate floor ahead of the vote Friday morning still talking about the federal judge.

But hours later, with many of her colleagues issuing statements, tweeting and being interviewed, Feinstein broke her silence with a comment about student textbooks. Perhaps she was thinking about the searing letter Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley fired off to Ford’s attorneys, demanding they turn over some of the evidence they claimed to have.

He also mentioned Feinstein directly.


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