

Trump Stands By Kavanaugh – Gave Brett A Personal Call, Advice And Encouragement

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President Donald Trump has been unwavering in his support for his Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, even as numerous uncorroborated, refuted, and dubious sexual misconduct allegations have been made against the judge.

Before the judge was set to appear at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, the president reportedly called Kavanaugh to offer some Trumpian advice: be aggressive.

“Trump and Vice President Mike Pence have both phoned Kavanaugh to voice their support for him ahead of the hearing,” says a CNN report. “Trump had a message for Kavanaugh when they spoke, per someone familiar with the call: be aggressive and forceful in your denials. Don’t be afraid to push back on these allegations, Trump said.”

Mr. Kavanaugh’s opening statement was indeed forceful and aggressive, calling his confirmation process a “national disgrace” and lamenting the Democrats’ clear political hit job. The judge frequently became emotional defending himself against the allegations which have zero corroborating evidence and describing what this process has been like for him and his family.

On Wednesday, President Trump said he’d watch the hearing closely. “I’m going to be watching, you know, believe it or not. I’m going to see what’s said.”

As noted by CNN, there will be “gaps” in what Trump can watch live of the hearing, as he’ll be traveling back to the White House late Thursday morning. But an official said a full recording of the hearing will be available for the president when he arrives back at the White House.

Via DailyWire


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