
Liberals Quick To Lump Kavanaugh With Cosby After Judge Dishes 3-10 Year Sentence

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Yodit Tewolde, a criminal defense attorney, compared convicted sexual assaulter Bill Cosby to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh during a Tuesday interview on CNN.


“I’m scrolling through Twitter, and I’m looking at people actually saying and applauding the judge in this sentence and then, in the same breath, wanting to defend Kavanaugh,” Tewolde said. “And it’s disturbing to me because … this is a monumental, defining moment this week when you have someone like Cosby going to prison and then, in the same breath, having someone like Kavanaugh possibly going to the highest court in the land.”

“Anyone that’s defending Kavanaugh could not, in the same breath, now applaud this … it just doesn’t make any sense,” she asserted.

CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin did not challenge Tewolde’s assertion that the Cosby and Kavanaugh situations are comparable.

Cosby was sentenced Tuesday to 3–10 years in a state prison after being convicted of three counts of aggravated indecent assault. 60 women have publicly accused Cosby of sexual assault.

Kavanaugh has been accused of groping a woman in high school and exposing himself to another woman in college three decades ago. No alleged witnesses to the incidents have corroborated the accusers’ claims.

Via DailyCaller

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