

Michael Moore Packs His Bags For Canada After ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ Underwhelms At Box Office

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Liberal activist Michael Moore’s latest film, “Fahrenheit 11/9,” under performed in the box office after its release Friday night.

According to Variety, the documentary is expected to make $4 million on 1,700 screens nationwide, below the anticipated $5 million and nowhere near the $8 million Moore’s “Fahrenheit 9/11” pulled.

The film, which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) this month, is an attack on President Donald Trump that equates the American leader to Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. In one sequence, Moore dubs audio of Trump over film of Hitler at a Nuremberg Rally.

Moore announced during the festival that he had a plan to move to Canada if public reaction to the film is so hostile it makes living in the U.S. impossible.

Moore lauded Canada for is progressive ways and said his grandfather was born in the Canadian province of Ontario.

He told the Toronto Star that he hopes relocation won’t be necessary because he believes all is not lost for the U.S. “One of the good things about us is we eventually come around. The problem is we are slow learners. Look at all these little things you guys [Canadians] do first. Whether it’s gay marriage or marijuana or whatever … we will follow you. Eventually. But it’s got to be frustrating to look at it from afar, and to see how long it takes us.”

Moore told the Star that he hopes “Fahrenheit 11/9” will affect voter choices in the upcoming midterm elections but he is more enthusiastic about defeating Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

“I think a lot of people came out to vote for Trump because he was different. And Hillary was not different. She was the same old thing,” Moore told the Star.

“The Democrats are going to have to run a beloved American who is going to inspire them to get out and vote, if they’re going to win.”

Via DailyCaller

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