

#ISTANDWITHBRETT: Women Are Speaking Out In Support of Kavanaugh, And It’s Time Everyone Started Listening

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A group of six women who have known Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh personally or professionally dating back to his school days will speak at an “#IStandWithBrett” press conference at the JW Marriott hotel in Washington, DC, Friday.

From Breitbart:

The conference is held as Kavanaugh faces a sexual assault allegation never publicly revealed in the 35 or more years since the attack allegedly occurred. Accuser Christine Blasey Ford claims a 17-year-old Kavanaugh and another teenager forced her into a room and groped her in or around 1982 at a high school party.

The women of the #IStandWithBrett event will add to numerous people that have already made statements that the accusation does not match the character of the Brett Kavanaugh they have known for years. The six women met Kavanaugh at various stages of his life, including in high school days in which Ford claims he attacked her.

According to a release from organizers, the women include:

  • Sara Fagen, Longtime friend and former colleague
  • Maura Fitzgerald, Longtime friend since high school
  • Laura Cox Kaplan, Longtime friend and former colleague
  • Cathie Martin, Longtime friend and former colleague
  • Jenn Mascott, Former law clerk (2006 – 2007)
  • Meghan McCaleb, Longtime friend since high school

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