

‘Highly Capable’ – Trump’s Approval Rating BOUNDING Towards 50%

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As Democrats seek to cast the midterm elections as a referendum on President Donald Trump, the poll numbers say that Trump is more popular at this point in his presidency than was former President Barack Obama.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll showed 49 percent of likely voters support Trump, according to Rasmussen Reports. 

It’s the highest number Trump’s reached since Aug. 18, according to Rasmussen.

On Sept. 17, 2010, only 45 percent of voters approved of the job being done by former Obama, according to Rasmussen.

On Saturday, Trump said his polling numbers were being hurt by the continuing special counsel election into alleged “collusion” between the Trump election campaign and Russia.

Even some of Trump’s antagonists admit that Trump has found a niche with Americans.

“Too many people in the summer of 2016 were so sure Hillary [Clinton] was going to win, saying, ‘no one is going to vote for this idiot,’” filmmaker and Trump-hater Michael Moore said, according to CNN. “He could win again. I operate as if he is a two-term Trump. I have to. If you think any other way, you are guaranteeing that whoever is going to run against him will lose.”

Moore offered his reasons why Trump has succeeded.

“I think the man is an evil genius and he was able to outsmart the smartest person ever to run for president,” Moore said.

JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, who last week said he could beat Trump in a run for office because he is the smarter man, admitted Trump has made the economy stronger, Marketwatch reported.

“When President Trump was elected, confidence skyrocketed … and that has helped the economy,” Dimon said.

“It’s impossible to tease out how much, but it has helped the economy, just like President Obama helped to stop the economy from getting much worse. . . . He should take some credit,” Dimon said.

Dimon is not alone in giving Trump credit for a stronger economy.

“I definitely think that the political change had an influence,” St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank President James Bullard said last week, according to The Hill. “I think that this is a pro-business administration that wanted to pursue strategies that were focused on economic growth.”

Trump has also drawn support from religious conservatives, such as Alabama pastor John Kilpatrick, according to, the website of The Birmingham News.

“He has defended the womb,” Kilpatrick said in an August interview. “The president has taken a stand for life. Second, the president has taken up for Israel and has declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel. Third, he has chosen Supreme Court justices — that’s going to turn this nation around. Those three things are why the spirit of Jezebel hates him and wants him out.

“We may be on the verge of the greatest revival this world has ever seen.”

Via WesternJournal

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