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Hillary ‘Joked’ About Chinese Hackers At The WORST Possible Time – She’s Digging Her Own Grave!

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According to anonymous sources that spoke this week with The Daily Caller, a Chinese-owned company that operates in Washington, D.C., repeatedly hacked Hillary Clinton’s private email server during her tenure from 2009 to 2013 as secretary of state.


During its alleged hacks the firm obtained nearly all of her emails: “The Chinese firm obtained Clinton’s emails in real time as she sent and received communications and documents through her personal server, according to the sources, who said the hacking was conducted as part of an intelligence operation.”

While these claims have yet to be confirmed, what’s interesting and perhaps even telling is that Clinton once joked about the Chinese potentially hacking her server. And ironically enough, the evidence can be found in her own emails.

While communicating online with a State Department employee about her email troubles in 2011, Clinton specifically quipped,” “Must be the Chinese!”

This jokey, jokey attitude reeks of the rampant carelessness Clinton displayed throughout her entire tenure at the State Department.

“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information,” then-FBI Director James Comey announced at the conclusion of the bureau’s investigation into Clinton in the summer of 2016.

The agency’s investigation had revolved around the  revelation that Clinton had used a private, unprotected email server to handle State Department-related business. Ever since this recklessness was uncovered in 2015, there’s been speculation that her server was hacked.


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