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Another Hollywood Actor Has Gone Crazy – Makes a Joke About Beating Trump to a Pulp and Defecating On Him

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Actor-comedian David Cross recently joked about beating President Donald Trump “to a bloody pulp” and urinating and defecating on him, according to a new report.

From Breitbart:

Actor-comedian David Cross recently joked about beating President Donald Trump “to a bloody pulp” and urinating and defecating on him, according to a new report.

The Salt Lake Tribune reports that during Cross’ performance at the University of Utah Wednesday, he “included humor about abortion, Nazis, the Holocaust, terrorist bombings, AIDS and beating President Donald Trump to a bloody pulp and then urinating and defecating on him.”

The 54-year-old actor is best known for his role as Tobias Fünke in the hit Netflix show Arrested Development.

Cross’ love for absurd political humor is well known. He recently tweeted at Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, implying that he “gave up” his “balls.”

Violent rhetoric and fantasies about President Trump are becoming more common among celebrities. Actor Jim Carrey recently tweeted a drawing of Trump being burned at the stake — just days after he released art of Trump being hanged by the American flag.


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