

DISGRACEFUL! MSNBC Guest Is PISSED Fox News Covered The Death Of A Slain White Girl Instead Of Conspiring Against Trump

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For liberals, “black lives matter,” but white lives apparently don’t. That’s what MSNBC guest Christina Greer, a professor at Fordham University, suggested when she callously dismissed Mollie Tibbetts as just “a girl in Iowa” that “Fox News is talking about” while referencing Omarosa’s unsubstantiated “N-word” tape.

Greer falsely claimed that Fox News didn’t cover Paul Manafort’s tax-fraud conviction or Michael Cohen’s plea deal for bank fraud in order to cover the death of Mollie Tibbetts, who was murdered by an illegal alien.

“Fox News is talking about, you know, a girl in Iowa and not this, right?” said Greer, who teaches “black ethnic politics” at Fordham University. Imagine Greer’s outrage if a white guest had said that Trayvon Martin was just “a boy in Florida.”

For the record, Fox News led their 5 p.m. news coverage with the Manafort trial, discussed the Tibbetts murder, and then covered the Michael Cohen plea deal.

Read more at BPR.

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