

Ocasio-Cortez Takes DRASTIC MEASURES To Prevent Her Lies From Being Disputed!

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The media is mad as hell at President Trump, claiming he’s blocking the “free press.”

They’re so angry, that they’ve recently colluded, and wrote a series of hateful editorials on our America First President, accusing him of not supporting a free press in America.

President Trump supports a free press. He, unlike most of America, does not support the fake press we’re now stuck with.

However, it’s amusing to watch the hypocrisy on the left, especially when the “star” of the Democrat Party banned ALL PRESS from her recent town hall.

From Washington Examiner

Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez refused to allow the media to attend or cover two of her recent campaign town hall events in her congressional district, which spans parts of the Bronx and Queens.

Reporters were banned from a gathering on Sunday in Corona, Queens, and another event in the Bronx last Wednesday, Aug. 8.

Ocasio-Cortez, who beat incumbent Joe Crowley in the Democratic primary this summer, did not want reporters at her community events because they asked too many questions at another gathering, according to campaign manager Vigie Ramos Rio.

Rio said she was “mobbed” by the media at an event early last week “even though we said no Q&A and no one-on-one [interviews].”

Cortez’s refusal to answer questions came days after former President Barack Obama opted not to endorse her and in the midst of the media’s fact-checking a string of inaccurate claims she has made.

After the Sunday event, the candidate said she spoke with her potential constituents about “race, immigration, healthcare, disability rights, and housing.” However, she did not elaborate on her positions or what she would do if elected to public office Nov. 6.

The no-press events were part of her “listening” tour that allowed her to take part in a “lively, compassionate discourse with a diversity of viewpoints.”

“We wanted to help create a space where community members felt comfortable and open to express themselves without the distraction of cameras and press. These were the first set of events where the press has been excluded,” campaign spokesman Corbin Trent said in an interview with Queens Chronicle. “This is an outlier and will not be the norm. We’re still adjusting our logistics to fit Alexandria’s national profile.”

Trent and Rio did not state when Ocasio-Cortez will allow the media into her public events.

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