

WATCH: Media Throws Everything They Got At Sarah Sanders Over Omarosa – She Swats Them Away Like Flies!

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White House press secretary Sarah Sanders fielded numerous questions about fired White House staffer Omarosa Manigault Newman during Tuesday’s press conference and turned the tables on the media over Newman’s allegations.

“What is the strategy in continuing to respond to the charges in this book?” a reporter asked Sanders about President Trump. “Why doesn’t he just ignore it?”

“Frankly I think most of America would be happy to ignore it but unfortunately the individuals in this room continue to create a large platform for somebody they know not to have a lot of credibility, for someone they frankly refused to give a platform to when they worked here at the White House,” Sanders responded.

“It wasn’t until this individual started to negatively attack this president and this administration and tried to tear this entire place down that she received the type of platform and roll out that she’s getting,” Sanders continued. “I think it would be great if every single person in this room and every single person in the administration never had to talk about this again and we actually got to focus on the real policies and the real things that matter not just to people in this building but certainly all Americans.”

Newman has received intense pushback from multiple anti-Trump figures who say that claims in her book are completely false and who have also called her a “liar,” “evil,” and “not credible.”


Via DailyWire

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