

Giuliani Takes All The Wind Out Of Cohen’s Sails: ‘Only 1 Tape With Trump Talking’, ‘Cohen Has LOST ALL CREDIBILITY’

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According to Giuliani, of the 13 “Cohen/Trump tapes,” Trump is only heard speaking on 1 tape. The other 12 are Cohen & other people talking about Trump.

That is a much different scenario than what the fake news media is spreading.

From Washington Examiner

Michael Cohen, the former personal attorney for President Trump, recorded 183 conversations, according to Rudy Giuliani.

Giuliani, the new personal attorney for Trump, said Sunday on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” that the president talks in only one of those tapes.

Trump is “discussed at length” on 11 or 12 of those tapes, he added.

“There are then an untold number of other tapes that have no relation to us, meaning President Trump,” said Giuliani. “Those tapes, I don’t know what is on those.”

He added: “Now if they’re related to us, the government would have to give them to us. There’s a lot there for them to investigate.”

According to court filings, some of those tapes seized by the FBI in April in a raid of Cohen’s home, hotel, and office have been given to federal prosecutors. A special master is reviewing the materials seized to determine what can or cannot be used by the government due to attorney-client privilege in a case against Cohen going forward.

CNN aired a tape from September 2016 this week in which Trump and Cohen discuss payments to former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who alleged she had an affair with the president in 2006.

Cohen is under investigation by federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York for bank fraud, wire fraud, and campaign finance violations stemming from a payment he made to Stormy Daniels, a porn star who has also alleged she had an affair with Trump in 2006.

Another recording between Cohen and CNN’s Chris Cuomo was released this week, in which the two talk about the Daniels payment.

Cohen also secretly recorded several conversations between him and Keith Davidson, an attorney once represented both McDougal and Daniels.

The raids on Cohen were part of an investigation referred by special counsel Robert Mueller to federal prosecutors in New York. Mueller is investigation Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible connections to the Trump campaign.

Giuliani, who previously described Cohen as an “honorable lawyer,” said now that the tapes have come out, “I don’t see how you can believe Michael Cohen.”

Via TruthFeed

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