
Crazed Pickax Wielding Man Destroys Trump’s Hollywood Star, Previous Vandal Pledges To Pay His Bail!

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A man who demolished President Donald Trump’s Hollywood star in 2016 is expected to bail out the vandal who left the star in pieces after hacking at it with a pickaxe Wednesday.

James Otis, the man who was arrested for destroying the star in 2016, told TMZ that he will spend $20,000 to bail out Austin Clay. Clay pulled the pickaxe from a guitar case around 3 a.m. and began hacking Trump’s star on Hollywood Boulevard, leaving it completely destroyed, The New York Post reported.

After smashing the star, Clay reportedly called the police on himself to report that he had just committed the crime. Otis dressed up as a construction worker and also used a pickaxe to demolish Trump’s star. Since then, many people have vandalized it with stickers and paint.

Otis, who dodged jail time and received 3 years probation, 20 days of community service and a fine, will reportedly meet Clay after he bails him out.


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