

Lisa Page Was A Big NO SHOW For Subpoenaed Testimony, Now She Could Be Held In Contempt

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Embattled FBI Attorney Lisa Page was expected to testify behind closed doors on Capitol Hill today, but failed to comply with a congressional subpoena by refusing to show up.

According to her attorney, Page wasn’t given ample time to prepare for the hearing. She was expected to answer questions about her relationship with FBI Agent Peter Strzok and a series of text messages from 2016 about stopping Donald Trump from winning the White House.

“Through her actions and words, Lisa has made it abundantly clear that she will cooperate with this investigation. There is no basis for claims that Lisa has anything to hide or is unwilling to testify. The [House Judiciary and Oversight] Committees’ bullying tactics here are unnecessary. We expect them to agree to another date so that Lisa can appear before the committees in the near future,” Page’s attorney, Amy Jeffrees released in a statement.

Jeffrees warned yesterday Page may not show today.

Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Bob Goodlatte, who issued the subpoena, says Page does have something to hide.

“It does appear apparently Lisa Page has something to hide,” Goodlatte said during an interview with Fox News, adding that she could be held in contempt of Congress as early as Friday.

Page was served a subpoena electronically, which her attorneys rejected. U.S. Marshals then had to serve Page the subpoena at her home .

Meanwhile, Strzok is expected to testify Thursday at a public hearing in front of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees.

Via TownHall

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