

HILARIOUS! One Liberal Turns To Comedy But These Jokes Will Have Trump Laughing And Democrats Crying!

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In an attempt to bring some balance and “fairness” to the #WalkAway movement, in which clear-thinking liberals explain why they’ve abandoned the Democratic Party, author and podcast host Andrew Klavan took some time on Monday’s episode of “The Andrew Klavan Show” to outline five reasons why someone might actually want to become a Democrat instead of leaving the party.

“A new movement called #WalkAway has begun in which liberals — people like me who believe in maximum individual freedom, open-hearted tolerance and a commitment to the truth — talk about why they walked away from the Democratic Party, which, after all, is the party of racism, emotionalist group-think and dishonest narratives meant to increase government power,” says Klavan.

“But let’s be fair. Shouldn’t there also be a movement in which people reject freedom and democracy in favor of leftism?” he continues. “So to counter #WalkAway I’m here to begin the #DescendIntoEmotionalInfantilismAndBecomeADemocrat movement with Five Reasons to Shift to the left.”

Video and transcript below:

A new movement called #WalkAway has begun in which liberals — people like me who believe in maximum individual freedom, open-hearted tolerance and a commitment to the truth — talk about why they walked away from the Democratic Party, which, after all, is the party of racism, emotionalist group-think and dishonest narratives meant to increase government power. But let’s be fair. Shouldn’t there also be a movement in which people reject freedom and democracy in favor of leftism? So to counter #WalkAway I’m here to begin the #DescendIntoEmotionalInfantilism and become a Democrat movement with Five Reasons to Shift to the left.

Reason One, whereas conservatives reject feminism and therefore treat women with respect and kindness, leftists get to mob and bully women they disagree with. As a feminist Democrat, you’ll get all the fun of treating girls like crap while still thinking of yourself as a good person because you support killing babies in the womb. This worked for Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein, so it’ll work for you as well.

Reason Two, if you become a Democrat all the cool late night comedians will agree with you and make jokes about how stupid your political opponents are. And you know late night comedians are hip and non-conformist because they all believe exactly the same things.

Reason Three, You can tell everybody how loving and compassionate you are right up until the minute someone disagrees with you, then you can call them stinking racist pigs while deploring the decline of civility under Donald Trump.

Reason Four to #DescendintoEmotionalInfantilism and become a Democrat, is you can pretend to like black people while setting up the systems of dependence, family disintegration, resentment and envy that make it unlikely any black child will ever compete with your child for a good job.

And Reason Five to go left is you will never have to learn the facts about anything because you can just turn on the news and hear your opinions echoed back to you as if they WERE facts. Then you can march and scream about crying babies. Or something.

So why take the trouble to #WalkAway when it’s much easier to #DescendintoEmotionalInfantilim and become a Democrat? Or a knucklehead. Same difference.

Via DailyWire

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