

Hysterical Left-wing Activists Endanger Old Woman During Border Protest – Border Agent Steps In The Way Of Danger

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Thanks to the hysterical left’s ongoing outrage over President Donald Trump’s enforcement of federal immigration laws, one Border Patrol agent wound up with a broken ankle this weekend.

The unnamed agent reportedly broke his ankle while attempting to protect an older woman as unruly protesters in the Texas town of McAllen tried to block a bus full of illegal immigrants from a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facility.

According to Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins, an estimated 200 protesters from the so-called League of United Latin American Citizens surrounded the bus and tried to physically stop it from moving forward Saturday afternoon.

During the confrontation an unnamed Border Patrol agent tried to protect an unidentified older woman. In the process he wound up breaking his ankle.

When asked why they were protesting, one members of the League of United Latin American Citizens cited the Trump administration’s alleged mistreatment of illegal immigrant kids.

“This is to make a point that they need to leave children alone. This is not the America we fought for and died for. My community has fought. There’s no reason for them to do this to these children. These people have these children in a bus like criminals. they haven’t committed any crime,” he said.

Their parents committed a crime by illegally bringing them into the United States. And unless this man expects illegal immigrant families to simply be let free into the U.S., they must be detained, processed through the criminal justice system and eventually deported. It’s called the rule of law, and nobody is exempt from it, including even actual citizens.

Prior to this week, illegal immigrant children caught illegally entering the United States were detained separately from their parents because of an Obama-era rule. Media-driven backlash over the years-old rule spurred Trump into reversing it Wednesday. Yet outrage continues to grow anyway courtesy the media’s continued lies and manipulation.

Thanks to this outrage — which is now so severe that some Democrat members of Congress have begun urging their constituents to harass Trump administration officials — someone just got hurt. And chances are this someone won’t be the last. Not by a long shot.

Especially not when we live in a day and age where it’s become socially acceptable for liberals to harass and intimidate anyone whose political affiliations offend them.

The irony is that polls show that a majority of Americans agree with the Trump administration’s current policies. A majority likewise blame the plight of illegal immigrant children on their parents, not the president.  Not that any of this matters to the radical left.


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