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David Hogg is Leading a Group of Parkland Students on a 75-Stop Anti-Gun Tour This Summer

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Parkland student gun control activists are undertaking a 60-day summer tour that includes 75 stops. The goal of tour is register new pro-gun control voters and to push legislators to pass more gun control laws.

From Breitbart:

Axios reports the “tour launches Friday, June 15, at a Peace March in Chicago, led by students from St. Sabina Academy.” Parkland student activist Emma Gonzalez will be part of the tour. She said the message to politicians is, “If you don’t support this, … it’ll look like you’re going against kids.”

Activist David Hogg will also be on the tour. He said he is pleasantly surprised by the reactions he has received in his travels. He said, “There’s a lot more love than hate out there.”

Hogg’s gun control book is set to be released on June 5th. He recently drew the ire of Army Ranger and Benghazi survivor Kris Paronto, when he tried to blame school shootings on private gun ownership.


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