

Trump Just Accomplished Something Else Obama Never Could Do – And A Man’s Life Was Saved in the Process!

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President Trump’s got a lot of milestones since taking office less than two years ago. But one that’s really starting to stand out is his ability to free Americans held captive in some of the worst countries in the world.

From Conservative Post:

This weekend, Trump did it again when Joshua Holt returned to the United States after two years as a hostage in Venezuela.

Holt went down there in 2016 to marry a Mormon woman. But he was immediately arrested and imprisoned on charges of being the CIA’s “top spy in Latin America.”

Unsurprisingly, Obama failed to get Holt released.

This month, Trump turned up the heat on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro for running a “dictatorship” and for holding Holt as a “hostage.”

Following days of frantic back-channel diplomacy, Holt found himself at the White House, safe and sound back in America.

“I’m just so grateful for what you guys have done,” Holt told President Trump and the other officials involved in securing his release. “I’m overwhelmed with gratitude.”


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