

‘REALLY?! Are You Fricken Kidding Me?’ – Don Jr. UNLEASHES On Zuckerberg After Instagram Warns Followers That His ‘Posts May Lead To Death’

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On Friday, Donald Trump Jr. revealed Instagram, a photo-sharing app owned by Facebook, posted an ominous warning to users who searched the words ‘Donald Trump Jr.’

Donald Trump Jr. posted a short video clip revealing Instagram is warning people that searching for ‘Donald Trump Jr’ can “lead to death.”

Don Jr. wrote a caption on Instagram noting after watching his analytics, the social media giant was blocking him from gaining new followers despite the fact he received over 7,000,000 impressions in one week.

“Really? Are you fricken kidding me??” Don Jr. said in an Instagram post.

The video sequence shows anyone searching hashtags with ‘Donald Trump Jr.’ are prompted to a warning.

The warning reads, “Posts with words or tags you’re searching for often encourage behavior that can cause harm and even lead to death. If you’re going through something difficult, we’d like to help.” (screenshot below)

Notice the hashtags people are prompted to when searching ‘Donald Trump Jr.’ (screenshot below)

The majority of the hashtags recommended are demeaning to the President’ son. One hashtag suggests he colluded with Russia despite only 8 posts on the subject.

Don Jr. posted to his Twitter account as well.

Via GatewayPundit

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