

‘OUTRAGEOUS’ – Dem. Senator Whines About Trump’s Tax Returns, Mike Pompeo UNLEASHES!

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Secretary of State Mike Pompeo went off on Democratic New Mexico Sen. Tom Udall on Thursday over what he deemed to be an “outrageous” question about President Trump’s tax returns.


Pompeo appeared in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee when Sen. Udall suggested Trump could have conflicts of interest between American foreign policy and his own business dealings.

“Given that the president refuses to disclose his tax returns, how can you assure the American people that American foreign policy is free of his personal conflicts of interest?” Udall asked.

“Senator, I find that question bizarre,” Pompeo responded.

“You don’t want to answer it then?” Udall pressed. “You want to describe it as bizarre and not give me an answer?”

“Yes I do,” Pompeo said angrily. “I think that’s indicative of my answer, Senator. I’ve been incredibly involved in this administration’s policy now for some 16 months and I’ve seen literally no evidence of what you are scurrilously suggesting.”

“It is an outrageous suggestion,” Pompeo added.

Udall argued that “many people” have raised questions about Trump’s business interests abroad and Pompeo shot back that such people are only doing so because they are politically opposed to the president.

Via DailyCaller

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