

Kerry Quietly Plays A VERY DANGEROUS GAME – And Trump Is About To WIN

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It is amazing what President Trump has accomplished in his first year and a half. He has done more in his first year and a half than most presidents that have had two terms.

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He has done this with the constant burden of media, Mueller and now John Kerry?

Kerry is quietly playing a very dangerous game.

The deal that he claims was one of his greatest accomplishments is about to be rerailed by president Trump and Kerry is furious.

This week in a report from The Hill, John Kerry has been quietly setting up meetings with world leaders to discuss the Iran deal.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry has fielded dozens of private meetings and phone calls in recent months in an effort to preserve the Iran nuclear deal, as President Trump appears poised to withdraw from the pact.

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The Boston Globe reported on Friday that Kerry, who helped broker the 2015 nuclear agreement, met with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif at the United Nations in New York last month to discuss ways to salvage the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — the formal name for the Iran deal.

He has also met and spoken with a handful of European officials. Last month, he met with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, according to the Globe, and spoke by phone with Federica Mogherini, the European Union’s top foreign affairs official.

Kerry also reportedly met with French President Emmanuel Macron, both in New York and in Paris.

During a recent state visit to Washington, Macron lobbied Trump to stay in the Iran deal.

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The former secretary of State under President Obama has also, at times, joined forces with former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz to try to rally support for the JCPOA among members of Congress, including Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the Globe reported.

The Iran deal was hailed by the Obama administration as a landmark accomplishment that helped curb the potential nuclear threat posed by Tehran by limiting its ability to refine uranium and produce nuclear weapons.

But Trump has long railed against the pact, calling it “one of the worst deals I have ever witnessed.”

In October, he disavowed the deal, but stopped short of withdrawing from it entirely. Instead, he demanded that negotiators work to fix what he has deemed as holes in the agreement.

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He faces a May 12 deadline to determine whether he will pull out of the pact, and despite efforts by European leaders to convince him to remain in the deal, Trump appears likely to withdraw, congressional and foreign leaders have said.

The reason Kerry is trying be relevant is because he has presidential aspirations.

John Kerry in an interview said to Palestinian leadership, he told them that he will likely be running for president. According to The Hill, Former Secretary of State John Kerry is considering a second run for president in 2020 to take on President Trump, according to comments reported by the Israel newspaper Maariv.

According to the report, Kerry told Palestinian officials that he was strongly considering a run in 2020 and hinted that Trump will likely not be in office much longer in strongly worded conversation Wednesday.

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“Hold on and be strong,” Kerry told the interviewer, a close associate of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, adding that he should tell Abbas “that he should stay strong in his spirit and play for time, that he will not break and will not yield to President [Donald] Trump’s demands.”

President Trump will likely pull out of the Iran deal, he has stated that the deal is “disastrous.” Last week Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, laid out a 100-page document showing Iran’s secret nuclear program.

John Kerry is a cancer. He is determined to undermine the president at any cost.

President Trump goes to work every day for free, he has daily battles with media and his liberal opponents. But going to world leaders and trying to salvage your really bad deal is a whole other level.

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Maybe Kerry and Obama are just mad, and they are tired of watching president Trump win at everything he does.

Via SS

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