

‘From Horrible To Demonic’ – ‘Smallville’ Star Confesses Rothchilds/Clintons Bought Child Slaves From Secret Sex Cult

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‘Smallville’ star Allison Mack has confessed that she sold children to the Rothschilds and Clintons during her time in the child sex cult.  

According to police, Allison Mack worked in a senior management position for the Hollywood pedophile cult NXIVM. As second-in-command, it was her job to lure children into the cult in order to sell them to elite Hollywood pedophiles and powerful politicians. reports: “As alleged in the indictment, Allison Mack recruited women to join what was purported to be a female mentorship group that was, in fact, created and led by Keith Raniere. The victims were then exploited, both sexually and for their labor, to the defendants’ benefit,” U.S. Attorney Richard P. Donoghue said in a statement.

The cult was finally exposed when the daughter of former Dynasty actress Catherine Oxenberg became a member. Oxenberg told the New York Times that she became concerned after she saw that her 26-year-old daughter India was extremely emaciated from dieting, and was suffering from serious health problems.

“Some people have said this is a voluntary sorority. The women I have spoken to tell a far different story,” Oxenberg said. “Coercion is not voluntary. Extortion is not voluntary. Blackmail is not voluntary.”

When these accusations hit the news, other women, including actress Sarah Edmondson, came forward to all to tell the same story, of the blackmail, the branding, as well as the forced labor and forced sexual activity.

Raniere is also accused of having a history of pedophilia, with accusations that stretch back over 20 years, involving girls as young as 12.

In 2012, several women were interviewed by the Albany Times Union about the coercive sexual experiences that they had with Raniere when they were young girls. One of the women in the case was found dead of a gunshot wound before she was able to give the interview. Her death was ruled a suicide.

The U.S. attorney’s office requested to have Raniere held without bail in a letter to the court stating that he was a known child predator.

Although this extremely important detail is being left out of most mainstream reports, one of the main charges in the criminal indictment against Raniere and Mack is sex trafficking of children.

A quick search for Allison Mack’s arrest report or charges—as reported by the mainstream media—will not yield any mention of children. Most mainstream reports only mention sex trafficking and ominously omit that the charges were for sex trafficking of children. Exactly why the media is refusing to report this remains a mystery.

Another important aspect of this case that has been largely overlooked, is the connections that this organization has to high-level figures in politics and finance. The organization worked much like a pyramid scheme, collecting regular fees from its members. But the majority of the funding, over $150 million, came from the trust funds of Seagram heiresses, Sara and Clare Bronfman.

Their involvement with Raniere began in 2002 and has been very public and controversial, with other members of the Bronfman family distancing themselves from the sisters in the press. The Bronfman family has very close ties to the Rothschild banking dynasty, with members of both families belonging to many of the same companies, including their joint financial firm, Bronfman & Rothschild.

Additionally, at least three high-ranking members of the organization, including Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters, are members of Bill Clinton’s foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative, which requires an annual $15,000 membership fee.

Now that Raniere is in jail and Mack is on bail and ordered not to have any contact with other cult members, Clare Bronfman has taken on the role of leader within the organization.

In response to the recent controversy surrounding NXIVM, Bronfman made a statement on her website denying the accusations against Raniere. She praised Raniere and the NXIVM programs, insisting that she is doing work that is truly helping people, and that no one has ever been coerced as a part of their workshops.

Frank Parlato, a former NXIVM publicist-turned-whistleblower told the New York Post that Bronfman is among the harshest leaders in the organization.

“She’s the enforcer—the brutal one. Clare’s running the [operation] now, and she’s the most ruthless of them. I’m issuing an absolute warning now. Clare Bronfman is a true fanatic, and if there’s a Jim Jones situation, everyone will commit suicide but her.” Parlato said.

Of Allison Mack, Parlato said that she was a troubled woman, who was both a victim and an abuser.

“Mack was both a victim and a victimizer. She was both a mastermind and Raniere’s useful idiot. She started as a slave and she became a slave master. Her nickname among defectors is ‘Pimp Mack,‘” Parlato said.

It is highly possible that this is a position that Mack was groomed for since she was a child, as many childhood stars turn from victims to predators as a result of what they often experience behind the scenes in the industry. Oddly enough, one of Mack’s very first roles was in a softcore porn movie called “Night Eyes Three.” She was just 11 years old at the time.

You can see the full charges against Mack and Raniere here.

Via YourNewsWire

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