

It’s TRUE: Study Proves That Marijuana Really IS a Gateway to Other Drugs

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People who use medical marijuana have higher rates of medical and non-medical prescription drug use — including pain relievers — than others, according to a new study. Researchers at Stanford University and University College Cork in Ireland analyzed more than 57,000 responses to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health to determine if medical marijuana users also turn to opioids.

From Breitbart:

In the survey, participants were asked about medical and non-medical use of prescription drugs. About 1.4 percent of all respondents, 776 people, said they used medical marijuana. 

Survey participants who use medical marijuana were 60 percent more likely to report prescription drug use, for medical reasons or not, than those who did not use medical marijuana, researchers report.

Medical marijuana users were also more than twice as likely to report non-medical use of prescription drugs, including pain relievers, stimulants and tranquilizers.

“Non-medical use of pain relievers is of particular interest because of pain relievers’ role in the opioid overdose epidemic,” the researchers wrote.

Previous studies have shown that states where medical marijuana is legal have lower rates of medical and non-medical prescription drug use and related harms — including opioid overdose. Thirty states and the District of Columbia have laws legalizing some form of marijuana use, including eight states that have legalized it for recreational use.

“These reports have led many to believe that use of medical marijuana is a protective factor against non-medical prescription drug use,” Theodore L. Caputi, a researcher at University College, said in a press release. “However, individual-level inferences cannot be made using the ecological studies cited frequently in the debate over medical marijuana.”

Caputi said previous data has shown the relationship between medical marijuana use and use of non-medical prescription drugs, and should be used as a marker for high risk patients — but adds that additional research is needed on whether cannabis is being used together with or in place of prescription drugs.

Dr. Marcus A. Bachhuber and colleagues at Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York wrote in an accompanying article in the journal that the study doesn’t show that medical cannabis causes increased use of prescription drugs.

“Given that people who take medical cannabis and those who do not are likely to have different underlying morbidity, it is possible that medical cannabis use reduces prescription drug use yet prescription drug use remains relatively high in that group,” they wrote in the article.

Do you believe there is an actual link between people who smoke marijuana and those who turn to other drugs later on? Does smoking marijuana automatically mean that the person is going to try “harder” drugs later on?

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