

Jerry Brown Caves To Trump – What He Just Announced Has Trump Doing Victory Lap

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California Governor Jerry Brown reversed a previous decision Wednesday night and announced the mobilization of 400 National Guard troops to the border.

Brown’s flip is his second on the subject in recent weeks. After initially authorizing 400 troops to head to the border on April 11 on the orders of President Trump, his administration announced Monday that would no longer be the case over concerns the troops would provide too much direct support to immigration enforcement officials.

President Trump harshly criticized Brown the next day.

“Looks like Jerry Brown and California are not looking for safety and security along their very porous Border,” POTUS tweeted Tuesday morning. “He cannot come to terms for the National Guard to patrol and protect the Border. The high crime rate will only get higher. Much wanted Wall in San Diego already started!”

Before Brown’s second change of heart, California was the only southwest border state not to comply with Trump’s order.

As of Monday, 900 National Guard troops had been deployed to the border: 250 from Arizona, 60 from New Mexico and 650 from Texas.

Via DailyCaller

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